The Eastman Dilemma

America: Imagine the World Without Her

America: Imagine the World Without Her explores the profound impact the United States has had on global history.


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“America: Imagine the World Without Her” explores the profound impact the United States has had on global history. By imagining a world without America’s influence, the film makes a case for American exceptionalism and the country’s role in promoting freedom and prosperity worldwide.

Director: Dinesh D’Souza • John Sullivan
Writers: Dinesh D’Souza • John Sullivan • Bruce Schooley
Stars: Dinesh D’Souza • Barack Obama • Josh Bonzie
1h 45m
America, Exceptionalism, Freedom, History, Patriotism
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Madison Takes

This documentary aligns with the Madison Media Fund’s commitment to promoting patriotism and defending the values of liberty and individual rights. It offers a positive portrayal of America’s contributions to global freedom, making it a powerful addition to the Fund’s library.

Madison Motion


Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.