The Eastman Dilemma


Chappaquiddick is a political drama that examines the events surrounding the 1969 car accident involving Senator Ted Kennedy, which resulted in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. The film delves into the political and personal consequences of the incident for Kennedy and his family.


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Chappaquiddick is a political drama that examines the events surrounding the 1969 car accident involving Senator Ted Kennedy, which resulted in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. The film delves into the political and personal consequences of the incident for Kennedy and his family.

Director: John Curran
Writers: Taylor Allen • Andrew Logan
Stars: Jason Clarke • Kate Mara • Ed Helms
1hr 46m
Accountability, Justice, Politics, Power, Scandal
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Madison Takes

This film aligns with the Madison Media Fund’s focus on political accountability and personal responsibility. It offers a critical look at how power and influence can shape public perception and the pursuit of justice.

Madison Motion

Take Personal Responsibility

Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.