The Eastman Dilemma

Miss Virginia

A struggling inner-city mother sacrifices everything to give her son a good education. Unwilling to allow her son to stay in a dangerous school, she launches a movement that could save his future - and that of thousands like him.


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“Miss Virginia” is based on the true story of a mother who fights for school choice to give her son a better education. Facing political opposition, she takes on the public education system to advocate for the rights of parents and students.

Director: R.J. Daniel Hanna
Writers: Erin O’Connor
Stars: Samantha Sloyan • Matthew Modine • Vanessa Williams
1h 42m
Education, Empowerment, Freedom, Rights, School Choice
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Madison Takes

This film supports the Madison Media Fund’s focus on individual liberty, empowerment, and the right to choose a better future. It advocates for school choice and reform, underscoring the importance of education and personal responsibility.

Madison Motion

Pursue Your Dreams

Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.