The Eastman Dilemma

No Safe Spaces

No Safe Spaces contends that identity politics and the suppression of free speech are spreading into every part of society and threatening to divide America.


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“No Safe Spaces” is a documentary featuring comedians Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager that explores the current state of free speech on college campuses and in society at large. The film examines how political correctness and social justice movements have led to increased censorship and the suppression of diverse viewpoints, particularly in academic settings. Carolla and Prager share their own experiences with being confronted or shut down for their opinions, illustrating the challenges faced by those who express dissenting views. The documentary highlights various incidents on college campuses where speakers have been disinvited or protested against, raising concerns about the impact on open dialogue and intellectual diversity.

“No Safe Spaces” advocates for the importance of free expression and the need to protect it in contemporary society, resonating with those concerned about the implications of censorship.

Director: Justin Folk
Writers: John Sullivan
Stars: Adam Carolla • Dennis Prager • Jordan B. Peterson
1hr 40m
DocumentarySocial Issues
Free Speech
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The film encourages viewers to defend free speech and engage in open discussions, promoting the idea that a healthy democracy relies on the ability to express differing opinions.

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Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.