The Eastman Dilemma

The Fight of Our Lives: Defeating the Ideological War Against the West

Hard-hitting documentary that examines the internal and external threats facing the West. The distinguished cast of scholars and experts trace the penetration of anti-Western ideas and movements into academia, politics and society.


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“The Fight of Our Lives” examines the cultural and political conflict that threatens Western values. It features interviews with intellectuals and experts who discuss the dangers of radical ideologies and their impact on freedom and democracy.

Director: Gloria Z. Greenfield
Writers: Gloria Z. Greenfield
Stars: Niall Ferguson • Ayaan Hirsi Ali • Victor Davis Hanson
1h 6m
Not Rated
Conflict, Democracy, Freedom, Ideology, Western Values
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Madison Takes

This documentary aligns with the Madison Media Fund’s commitment to defending Western civilization and the values of liberty. It encourages critical thinking and the defense of free societies against ideological threats.

Madison Motion

Think and Reflect Deeply

Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.