The Eastman Dilemma

The Plot Against the President

The Plot Against the President delves into the conspiracy to undermine Donald Trump's presidency, focusing on the investigation into Russian interference and the political motivations behind the effort.


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T”he Plot Against the President” delves into the conspiracy to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency, focusing on the investigation into Russian interference and the political motivations behind the effort. The documentary presents interviews with key players and challenges the mainstream narrative surrounding the events.

Director: Amanda Milius
Writers: Lee Smith
Stars: Michael Anton • John O. Brennan • George Bush
1h 31m
Not Rated
Political Documentary
Conspiracy, Government, Media, Politics, Trump
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Madison Takes

This documentary fits within the Madison Media Fund’s mission to challenge media bias and expose political manipulation. It addresses concerns about government overreach and media influence, which are central to the values of transparency and accountability that the Fund upholds.

Madison Motion

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Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.