The Eastman Dilemma

The Riot and the Dance: Earth

Follow the journey of Dr. Gordon Wilson as he traverses the globe studying God's remarkable land animals.


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“The Riot and the Dance: Earth” is a nature documentary that celebrates the diversity of life on Earth. From lush forests to vibrant oceans, the film showcases the beauty of nature from a faith-based perspective, emphasizing the responsibility of humans to be good stewards of creation.

1h 23m (TV Series)
Not Rated
Creation, Earth, Faith, Nature, Stewardship
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Madison Takes

This documentary aligns with the Madison Media Fund’s commitment to promoting faith-based storytelling and environmental stewardship. It encourages viewers to appreciate the wonders of nature and take responsibility for protecting the planet through a Christian lens.

Madison Motion

Embrace Stewardship & Conservation

Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.