The Eastman Dilemma

The Rise of Jordan Peterson

"The Rise of Jordan Peterson" is a documentary that chronicles the life and career of controversial psychologist and professor Jordan Peterson.


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“The Rise of Jordan Peterson” is a documentary that chronicles the life and career of controversial psychologist and professor Jordan Peterson. The film explores his rise to fame, his battles over free speech, and his influence on contemporary culture.

Director: Patricia Marcoccia
Writers: Paul Kemp • Patricia Marcoccia
Stars: Gregg Hurwitz • Ethan Klein • Jordan B. Peterson
1h 31m
Not Rated
Culture, Free Speech, Influence, Jordan Peterson, Psychology
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Madison Takes

This film fits with the Madison Media Fund’s focus on free speech and intellectual freedom. It showcases the impact of one individual’s stand against political correctness and highlights the cultural significance of Peterson’s ideas.

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Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.