The Eastman Dilemma

The Street Project

"The Street Project" is an inspiring story about a massive movement across the US and around the world to reclaim our largest public spaces, our streets.


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“The Street Project” is a documentary that explores the movement to reclaim city streets for people, not just cars. It follows activists and urban planners as they work to make streets safer, more accessible, and more inclusive for pedestrians and cyclists.

Director: Jennifer Boyd
Writers: Jennifer Boyd • Chad Ervin • Lindsay Thompson
Stars: Maya Aoki Tuttle
Not Rated
DocumentarySocial Issues
Activism, Community, Safety, Streets, Urban Planning
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Madison Takes

This documentary fits the Madison Media Fund’s focus on community engagement and safety. It challenges conventional urban planning and promotes a vision of safer, more equitable public spaces, highlighting the role of citizens in shaping their environments.

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Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.