The Eastman Dilemma

The Swamp

A behind-the-scenes documentary following members of the rebellious Freedom Caucus as they navigate friends and foes from both parties.


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“The Swamp” is a political documentary that takes a deep dive into the workings of Congress, exposing the influence of lobbyists and special interests in Washington, D.C. The film follows a group of Republican congressmen as they attempt to reform the political system from within.

Director: Daniel DiMauro • Morgan Pehme
Writers: Daniel DiMauro • Morgan Pehme • Marc Vives
Stars: Ken Buck • Daniel DiMauro • Matt Gaetz
1h 54m
Congress, Government, Lobbying, Politics, Reform
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Madison Takes

This documentary aligns with the Madison Media Fund’s focus on political accountability and transparency. It offers a critical look at government corruption and highlights the efforts of those working to bring about reform.

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Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.