The Eastman Dilemma

The Widow's Might

When an acquaintance of Cameron's, an elderly Widow, faces losing her home to the outrageous property taxes in her area, the Moore family takes action, along with their friends, the Morton family.


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“The Widow’s Might” follows a group of young filmmakers who set out to help a widow in danger of losing her home due to tax foreclosure. Through creativity and community support, they challenge the injustices of the system and bring awareness to her plight.

Director: John Robert Moore
Writers: John Robert Moore
Stars: Angela Coates • Colin Gunn • Cameron Heidrick
1h 41m
Community, Compassion, Foreclosure, Government, Justice
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Madison Takes

This film reflects the Madison Media Fund’s values of compassion, community, and fighting against government overreach. It promotes the power of grassroots efforts and individual action to stand up for justice and support those in need.

Madison Motion

Make a Difference

Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.