The Eastman Dilemma

Tim's Vermeer

Inventor Tim Jenison seeks to understand the painting techniques used by Dutch Master Johannes Vermeer.


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“Tim’s Vermeer” follows inventor Tim Jenison as he attempts to replicate the painting techniques of Johannes Vermeer. The film explores the intersection of art and technology as Jenison embarks on an incredible journey to understand how the Dutch Master created his photorealistic works.

Director: Teller
Writers: Penn Jillette • Teller
Stars: Tim JenisonçPenn Jillette • Martin Mull
1h 20m
Art, Innovation, Painting, Technology, Vermeer
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Madison Takes

This film reflects the Madison Media Fund’s commitment to innovation and intellectual curiosity. It highlights the value of determination, creativity, and the pursuit of understanding, as well as the blending of art and science.

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