The Eastman Dilemma

Unplanned America

"Unplanned America" is the show about three Australians who throw away the itinerary and find themselves in the most weird, wonderful, intimidating and inspiring societies that the land of the free has to offer.


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“Unplanned America” follows three Australians as they travel across the United States without a plan, immersing themselves in various subcultures and communities. The series offers a raw and unfiltered look at America through the eyes of outsiders exploring the country’s diverse and often misunderstood subcultures.

Stars: Tim Ryan • Nick Maher • Violent J
Not Rated
America, Culture, Diversity, Exploration, Travel
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Madison Takes

This series aligns with the Madison Media Fund’s commitment to showcasing diverse perspectives and exploring the complexities of American life. It highlights the freedom of personal expression and the rich tapestry of cultures that make up the United States.

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Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.