The Eastman Dilemma

Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe

A documentary alleging that the CDC, the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens, destroyed data on their 2004 study that allegedly showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.


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“Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe” is a controversial documentary that examines allegations of a cover-up by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding a study on the MMR vaccine and its alleged connection to autism. The film challenges mainstream medical narratives and calls for further investigation.

Director: Andrew Wakefield
Writers: Del Bigtree • Andrew Wakefield
Stars: Del Bigtree • Mark F. Blaxill • Michaela Blaxill
1h 31m
Not Rated
Autism, CDC, Health, Transparency, Vaccines
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Madison Takes

This film fits within the Madison Media Fund’s commitment to free speech and encouraging critical inquiry into established scientific and medical practices. It promotes the importance of transparency and accountability in public health.

Madison Motion


Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.