The Eastman Dilemma

Voices of the Silenced

he documentary challenges the idea that men and women are victims and prisoners of their sexuality, that those who are ‘born homosexual’ can only find happiness and fulfilment in homosexual relations, while the voices of those who once had been persuaded to think like that, but subsequently have moved away from same-sex desires, have been silenced.


Where to Stream


“Voices of the Silenced” is a documentary that explores the lives of individuals who have left the LGBTQ lifestyle and found faith-based communities for healing and support. The film presents their testimonies and examines the societal pushback they face.

Director: Mike Davidson • Frederick Williams
Stars: Stephen Baskerville • Matthew Brennan • Jens Fredrik Brenne
1h 47m
Not Rated
Faith, Freedom, Healing, LGBTQ, Testimony
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Madison Takes

This film aligns with the Madison Media Fund’s commitment to free speech and the right to personal choice. It gives a platform to voices that are often marginalized in the mainstream media, promoting dialogue about faith, identity, and personal freedom.

Madison Motion

Take a Stand

Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.