The Eastman Dilemma

Waiting for 'Superman'

Mythology and belief in society today, presenting uncommon perspectives of common cultural issues.


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“Waiting for ‘Superman’” critically examines the American public education system, focusing on the challenges faced by students and families. The film advocates for education reform through the promotion of charter schools and school choice.

Director: Davis Guggenheim
Writers: Davis Guggenheim • Billy Kimball
Stars: Charles Adams • Jonathan Alter • Robert Balfanz
1h 58m
Education, Empowerment, Reform, School Choice, Students
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Madison Takes

This documentary supports the Madison Media Fund’s mission by promoting individual empowerment and the right to pursue better educational opportunities. It challenges the status quo in public education, advocating for reform that benefits students.

Madison Motion

Improve Civil Society

Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.