The Eastman Dilemma

Wild Wild Country

When Osho, the world's most controversial guru, builds an Utopian city deep in the Oregon country, conflict with the locals escalates into a national scandal.


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“Wild Wild Country” is a documentary series that tells the story of a controversial Indian guru who builds a utopian city in the Oregon desert, sparking a conflict with local residents. The film explores themes of religion, power, and community as the tensions between the two groups escalate.

Stars: Ma Anand Sheela • Philip Toelkes • Jane Stork
1h 10m (6-part series)
Community, Conflict, Power, Religion, Utopia
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Madison Takes

This series fits with the Madison Media Fund’s mission by exploring issues of religious freedom, community conflict, and the intersection of law and belief. It presents a nuanced look at the dynamics of power, faith, and the lengths people will go to in pursuit of their ideals.

Madison Motion

Be Informed

Producer Circle Film Library

Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.