Wild Wild Country
Wild Wild Country Wild Wild Country is a documentary series that tells the story of a controversial Indian guru who builds a utopian city in the Oregon desert, sparking a conflict with local residents. The film explores themes of religion, power, and community as the tensions between the two groups escalate. This series fits with […]
Zeitgeist Zeitgeist is a documentary that explores controversial topics, including religion, 9/11 conspiracy theories, and the role of the Federal Reserve in shaping global events. The film challenges mainstream narratives and offers alternative explanations for major historical events. This film aligns with the Madison Media Fund’s mission to challenge dominant narratives and encourage critical thinking. […]
The Freedom of Silence
Drama, Dystopian
Finding Noah
Documentary, Adventure
God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness
Drama, Faith-Based
The Trump Prophecy
Drama, Faith-Based
The Chosen
Drama, Faith-Based
The Creepy Line
Documentary, Adventure The Creepy Line Finding Noah is a documentary that chronicles the search for the remains of Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat. The film follows a team of explorers as they endure extreme conditions in their quest to find evidence of the biblical story, blending adventure with historical and religious exploration. This film fits […]
The China Hustle
Drama, Faith-Based The China Hustle The Trump Prophecy is a faith-based drama that tells the story of a firefighter who believes he has received a prophetic message that Donald Trump would become President. The film follows his journey and the movement that formed around this belief, exploring themes of faith and political change. This film […]
Capitalism: A Love Story
Drama, Faith-Based Capitalism: A Love Story The Chosen is a television series that tells the life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of those who knew him. It provides a fresh and intimate perspective on the gospel story, with a focus on character development and the personal experiences of Jesus’ followers. This series fits within […]